Nutrient Anti-Viral Strategy
(Adapted from Unified Antiviral Strategy published by ICHNFM)
NAC* 600mg three times daily (blocks viral replication) – double if you come down with a virus
Selenium 200mcg – 2 daily for 1 month then 1 daily (targets virus directly)
Vitamin D3 4,000 units daily (100mcg) (supports immune function and blocks replication)
Multivitamin – 1 daily (smaller amounts of nutrients which fall into all categories)
Add on if you wish
Target virus directly
Licorice 450mg- 1 three times daily (only if you do not have hypertension, CHF or fluid retention), limit use to 3 months or take week before, during, and after travel.
Block viral replication
- Methylfolate 5mg daily
- Alpha lipoic acid* 300mg twice daily
- Vitamin C 3,000mg daily
Support immune function
- Fish oil 2,000mg daily
- Glutamine 1 gram twice daily
- Whey protein
- Zinc 25mg daily (if not already in your multivitamin)
- Vitamin A 10,000 iu daily (total between multivitamin and supplement)
Supporting cellular health
- Exercise
- Low carb diet
- Coenzyme Q10 150mg daily
- Acetyl -L Carnitine 1gm twice daily
- *These nutrients can lower blood sugar. If you have diabetes monitor sugars and consult your physician for medication adjustment if your sugars decrease.
** If you are on warfarin monitor INR for any adjustments which may be needed. If you are on medication always check with your physician before starting any new supplement regimen.
*** Although these nutrients have shown efficacy in studies they do not have FDA indication to diagnose, prevent or treat viral illness’.